Artist Statement
Nature is imperfect yet perfect, these opposites makes nature whole. I am inspired by these imbalances (the two sides to almost everything) in life, so I induce these elements in my work.
I use my art to respond to life, either by painting or by writing poems, sometimes I connect my poems to my paintings. I like to work not only with the brush but also with my fingers, so I explore different materials; paper, plastics etc, to see how I can create with them by making them fit in a painting.
I let my thoughts and imaginations run far before I chase to grab hold of them. Thoughts occur to every individual differently, and that is why we respond differently when we create. Art presents us with the freedom to consciously express our thoughts aesthetically by being creative through; wisdom, imagination, impulse, vision, intelligence, bravery and skill. The main limitation to this freedom is self-restriction; limiting your own mind.
My art magnifies my thoughts, I just want to create art that comes from my mind that has the strength to convey meanings and communicate to my audience what I feel in a way that appeals to my aesthetic sense and the viewer’s without much restriction based on isms.

‘‘Until an artist learns to follow his mind, creating will always be a struggle’’- Jimmy Nwanne.